Photography, Modernity, and the Nation in China and India


Workshop sponsored by History of Art and East Asian Studies at  9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pre-circulated working papers will be available February 5. 9 am Welcome and Introductions, Rebecca M. Brown, History of Art, Johns Hopkins 9:10 Ranu Roychoudhuri, IIT Guwahati and Yale Institute of Sacred Music, Framing Industrial-scape in Post-Independence India 9:20 Gaochao […]

Lecture by Maia Nuku, Metropolitan Museum of Art


The History of Art Lecture Series presents a lecture by Maia Nuku, Metropolitan Museum of Art at 6 pm EST. The lecture is titled, "Expanding the Visual Canon: 40 Years of Oceania at the Met." To RSVP for the Zoom lecture, email the event organizers: NukuPosterFinal_ (002)reduced

Lecture by Bridget Cooks, University of California, Irvine

The History of Art Lecture Series presents a lecture by Bridget Cooks, University of California, Irvine, at 6 pm EST. Join us for a conversation about The Black Index exhibition. The exhibition artists use a variety of innovative approaches to address the paradox of being Black in America: to be human, but have little social […]

Caplan-Rosen Lecture by Julia Bryan-Wilson, University of California, Berkeley


The 2021 Caplan-Rosen lecture will be given by Julia Bryan-Wilson (University of California, Berkeley) at 6 pm EST on Tuesday, March 16, 2021. The lecture is titled, "Nevelson’s Palace." To RSVP for the Zoom lecture, email the event organizers: Nevelson's Palace PPTX

Lecture with Midori Yoshimoto


The Center for Visual Arts, the Department of the History of Art, and the Program in East Asian Studies present a lecture with Midori Yoshimoto at 6 pm EST. The lecture is titled, "Japanese Women Artists and Feminism." To RSVP for the Zoom lecture, email the event organizers: YoshimotoPoster_UpdatedMar18

Lecture by Kim Benzel, Metropolitan Museum of Art


The History of Art Lecture Series presents a lecture by Kim Benzel, Metropolitan Museum of Art at 6 p.m. The lecture is titled “Theater of the Afterlife: Technologies of Jewelry in Mesopotamia.” To RSVP for the Zoom lecture, email the event organizers: Benzel Poster_FINAL_150

Lecture by Franco Rossi, Austen-Stokes Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University

Title: “Revisions of Sovereignty: Political Ecologies and History-making in an Ancient Maya School.” Date: September 28th, at 6:00 PM Room: Shaffer Hall 3. Abstract: To what degree were ancient representations of state narratives revisions of history in their own time? Taking this question as its premise, this talk explores the intersection of visual media, education, […]

Lecture by Dr. Nancy Um (Professor, Binghamton University

Sifting through the Treasure Chest: Coins, Currencies, and Material Exchange across the Indian and Atlantic Oceans at the Cusp of the Eighteenth Century Prof. Nancy Um, Binghamton University Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 at 6 pm EST Register: "In 2014, a metal detectorist unearthed a late seventeenth-century silver coin from Yemen in Rhode Island, which shed […]