Robert and Nancy Hall Undergraduate Internship / Walters Museum of Art, Summer 2025

he Hall Internship provides undergraduate students at Johns Hopkins University the opportunity to gain a broad understanding of the museum profession and to contribute meaningfully to the work of the Walters Art Museum, one of the finest art museums in the nation.

Each summer the Walters Art Museum hosts a curatorial intern from Johns Hopkins University. This internship is designed for undergraduates to explore museum careers and gain professional experience. The intern will be assigned to a curator who will be responsible for mentorship, providing research opportunities, and connecting the intern to other members of the staff. In this way, the Hall intern will learn about the operations of the Walters and its work with the Baltimore community.

The Internship

One Hall Curatorial internship will be awarded for Summer 2025. Applicants must be current students in good standing, enrolled full-time at Johns Hopkins University. Students must have some background in the History of Art and other related areas as appropriate. Graduating seniors are not eligible to apply for the Hall Internship. 

Hall Interns are employed full-time (35 hours/week) at the Walters for 10 weeks, and receive a stipend of $17 an hour. Note that University policy does not permit paid interns to receive academic credit for their internship.

To Apply

Applicants should submit the following to Viktoria Waith ( no later than 5 pm on April 11, 2025: 

1) a letter describing your particular interests and relevant experience, along with your resume or curriculum vitae; 2) an unofficial academic transcript (Please submit 1 and 2 together in a single PDF)

3) a letter of recommendation from a professor in PDF (must be signed, on departmental letterhead, and sent directly from the professor’s email account).

Application Review:  The History of Art Department and Program in Museums and Society will make a preliminary review of applications.  A list of candidates will be forwarded to the Walters. Interviews will be conducted as part of the process of making a final selection. Decisions will be finalized in May 2025.