Emily Friedman (PhD 2023) Appointed Inaugural Allen and Kelli Questrom Assistant Curator of Prints and Drawings at Dallas Museum of Art

A headshot of a woman looking directly at the camera.

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Emily Friedman, a distinguished Ph.D. alumna in the History of Art, has been appointed the inaugural Allen and Kelli Questrom Assistant Curator of Prints and Drawings at the Dallas Museum of Art (DMA).

Dr. Friedman, who completed her Ph.D. in 2023 at Johns Hopkins University, specializes in European prints and drawings from the early 15th to the late 18th century, with broad expertise extending into American and contemporary art. Her dissertation, which garnered attention for its insights into printmakers active in Lyon between 1500 and 1550, was supported by a two-year Samuel H. Kress Foundation Institutional Fellowship at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art in Paris.

Dr. Friedman joins the DMA staff with an background in curatorial work, publications, and collection management, having held fellowships and internships the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, the Vanderbilt University Museum of Art, and most recently, the Philadelphia Museum of Art.